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Accelerated Reader: Volume 8

Like Shannon, I’ve been powering through plenty of reads. However, many of them have been short enough or perhaps not impactful enough that they don’t need a full review. As many of them are worth reading, I wanted to pop in and let you know my thoughts.

Big Girl: I really enjoyed Kelsey Miller’s autobiography about giving up diet culture and getting into Intuitive Eating. While I don’t necessarily think her conclusions are appropriate for me or my life ( I mean fuck diet culture, but I don’t believe the pursuit of intentional weight loss is in and of itself problematic), I related hardcore to her childhood experiences of weight fluctuation, critical friends and family, and feeling inadequate/invisible in the performing arts world. (3.75 out of 5)

Ziggy, Stardust and Me: A sweet 1970s LGBTQIA romance. A little hard to follow with stream of consciousness and frequent digressions, but a solid quick read to power through when you need something significant but ultimately heartwarming. Also great representation of non-white characters as well. Major trigger warning for physical and sexual abuse as well as conversion therapy. (3.5 out of 5)

My Life as a Goddess: Guy Branum is really, really smart and really, really funny. Do I sound stupid if I say that I skipped though some of his Sarah Vowell-esque historical digressions? Probably, but I’m ok with it. A really powerful and funny story about growing up different and carving out your own place, and the discomfort and triumphs that ensue. (3.75 out of 5)

Mama’s Boy: Dustin Lance Black’s autobiography focuses largely on his mother, an incredible polio survivor who was the largest influence on his life and career. This is a long but quick read, and generally I found it very powerful, particularly his reflections on his sexuality and religion. I do think (and this sounds super mean ok but deal with it) that he’s a bit fond of himself. He has many reasons to be, but…I like a memoir a little heavier on the self-deprecation. (3.5 out of 5)

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If You Only Read One: January 2020

If You Only Read One: January 2020

Accelerated Reader: Volume 7

Accelerated Reader: Volume 7