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Quarantine Must Haves, Volume 1

Quarantine Must Haves, Volume 1

We know that now is a scary time for many, financially, and we are not advocating everyone run to their laptop or phone and start shopping. But, we wanted to share some of the items or things we’ve found most useful during lockdown, and are eternally grateful to all essential workers (those who work for USPS, UPS, FedEx, in warehouses, food delivery services, grocery store employees, etc…).


Quarantine may just turn me into a problem drinker. So it doesn’t become a drain on my bank account, I’ve been using WTSO.com to stock up on the cheap. They deliver SO QUICKLY. You have to be home to sign for it, but is that actually a problem these days?

Like Margot Tenenbaum, I spend much of my free time in the tub. These Ouai Chill Pills are a personal favorite bath bomb: they smell amazing but not overpowering, and they don’t have dye so I feel like they’re potentially less irritating, and who wants a UTI or yeast infection right now? I sure as hell don’t. Idk. I’m not a doctor.

I’m a total whore for iced coffee, and there’s only one cafe in my neighborhood still open, so I save that treat for after a long run. I’ve been living off La Colombe Cold Brew so I’m not forced to drink hot coffee.

I’m living in lululemon Align Pants and good hyouman shirts. We lounge in style.


I started off quarantine by trying to commit to minimal online shopping…and then it became vastly apparent how ill-equipped I am to spend 24/7 in my tiny NYC apartment. I didn’t even own a coffeemaker! (But oh, am I looking forward to the day when I can have my Starbucks iced coffee again…) (Yes, I know some locations are open for pickup but I’m trying to minimize contact and it just seems like an unnecessary luxury rn…it’s a personal choice.)

Right off the bat, I “borrowed” the French press I got my boyfriend for Valentine’s Day, while waiting for my own to arrive. (He has a huge supply of tea, it was fine.) The one I bought him worked fine, so I bought the same one for myself. Naturally, it then became apparent I needed a kettle of some sort, as I can’t seem to pour water from a pot into the French press without spilling everywhere. Then I needed coffee grounds.

Once my caffeine situation was taken care of, I turned to wardrobe. Since this mess started, I have put on jeans about once a week, sighed at how tight they are in the thighs, and gone back to my loungewear. New items I’ve bought:

From a beauty and aesthetics standpoint, here are some must-haves:

  • Nail strengthener. I got SNS powder manicures for about a year, and was all ready to pick it back up again in mid-March for Elizabeth’s and my Adult Spring Break beach trip (…and the universe laughed). So, I’m taking this time to apply OPI’s nail strengthener semi-regularly.

  • Babyfoot. Because if you can’t do a foot mask that results in your foot skin peeling off for a week during a global pandemic, when can you do it???

  • Hand weights. I already had 5s and 8s, but (humblebrag), I needed something heavier.

From a coping standpoint, Moira introduced me to Wines Til Sold Out, and while the site’s UX makes my skin crawl, it’s been a godsend. And unlike Moira’s local delivery person, mine just leaves cases of wine downstairs—no signature needed. So far my neighbors haven’t stolen anything yet…knock on wood.

Lastly, and from the most “what the fuck” standpoint, I bought a Le Creuset dutch oven (on sale)…this may have been purchased after a few glasses of wine. I’m sure it will make an appearance in one of my future Instagram Story cooking adventures in which I drink (wine, spritzes, cocktails, depending on my mood) and cook Italian food while playing Madonna. Started on a whim while making lasagna 7 weeks ago, and has become #CookingWithCiccone.


I am both a creature of habit and someone that worked for myself for over a year (i.e., I created and kept to a fairly rigorous schedule with no external motivation), and so I thought I’d have a leg up when it came to adjusting to WFH life. L O L. A few weeks ago, after listening to a “Lovett or Leave It” episode about decision fatigue, I realized some things had to change. Basically, by everything we know being knocked cuckoo, our brain is forced to make all kinds of new decisions daily, and it can’t tell what’s a big decision or a small decision; i.e., we’re all in a constant state of mental exhaustion and decision fatigue. So, I created the “Command Center,” pictured above. I take about 20 minutes on Sunday afternoon to lay out a few things — daily goals, workout plans, meals, schedule, and social plan — and honestly, it’s made things so much easier. If you’re at all like me, I’d totally recommend this method.

I didn’t realize how much my mood was dependent on the weather, and it has felt like I live in Washington State rather than Washington, DC the past few days. Even so, I try to get out every afternoon for at least a 30 minute run of 60 minute walk. The past few weeks have been accompanied by my new BFF Jess Simpson — the audio book for her memoir, “Open Book” is one of the best things I can remember listening to in a long time. (Shannon’s review here.)

I feel like I am a quarantine cliche, but two things have brought me great joy during this time at home: my sourdough starter and Alison Roman’s cookbooks (Nothing Fancy, Dining In)

I don’t want to belabor that we are all having problems staying engaged in life choices, but I have found some varied easy entertainment sources:

  • Daniel Kanter’s Instagram stories of his kitchen renovation (also, the front hall restoration is an amazing journey)

  • Ridiculous phone/iPad games - namely Disney Emoji Blitz and June’s Journey

  • TikTok (no, I haven’t recorded a video yet)

  • Bon Appetit’s Test Kitchen on Hulu

  • Some Good News with John Krasinski

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