

Welcome to She’s Full of Lit!

Here, we chat about our favorite (and sometimes least favorite) books, share recommendations on everything from what wine pairs best with that work of fiction to facemasks that make your non-fiction read even better, and live our best basic bookworm lives.

The Reading List: April 26, 2020

The Reading List: April 26, 2020


I’m so curious about everyone’s quarantine beauty routine! I haven’t been wearing makeup usually, but put some on to teach a Zoom ballet class and was shocked at my (comparative) beauty. I kid, but I’ve become so used to my naked face that I’m able to appreciate the difference that makeup makes. One small bright thing in this mess!

I think it’s time to switch to an all-dip diet. Although as someone allergic to eggplant, I consider baba ghanoush a hate crime.

The very best of Zaddy Cuomo’s PowerPoints.

An interesting piece on marathons.

I’ve been obsessed with Fiona Apple since middle school, and her new album is…wow. It’s also perfect to run to, which isn’t typical for her. This Emily Nussbaum piece on her is worth a read. Also OBSESSED that she named the album after a line from The Fall, my favorite bad-bitch murder show.


If you haven’t read this incredible piece in Vanity Fair yet, you need to stop everything you’re doing and click this link: Donald Trump Almost Killed My Husband. Fair warning: it will wreck you, but it ends well.

Center Stage is a fave film around here, and I loved this piece about how it was made from the point-of-view of the dancers. (Here’s the final dance, just for fun!)

I feel like I have fallen in deep to the Alison Roman fandom during Shelter-in-Place (my copy of “Dining In” finally arrived this week — I can’t believe Amazon didn’t consider that an essential), and I loved this old-but-great look at her kitchen.

This is cool: How the Romanov Emeralds Ended Up with an American Heiress.

Loved this roundup of healthy ways to make some of your favorite comfort foods. All of it looks delicious — except for paleo pizza because I personally can’t get on board with pizza minus cheese.


Please enjoy this trip down beauty memory lane.

I have been experimenting with grilled cheese (breads: brioche vs potato, cheeses: all kinds) and this week expanded into making Bacon Egg and Cheese sandwiches. Now I’m inspired to add avocado (once mine are ripened).

An examination of which animals are enjoying humans quarantining the most.

I’ve never really thought about the medical uses of menstrual blood, but now I certainly am.

The comments on this open thread about things people are learning about their cohabitators in quarantine are gold.

Book Review: "Good Talk" by Mira Jacobs

Book Review: "Good Talk" by Mira Jacobs

Page to Screen: "Little Fires Everywhere"

Page to Screen: "Little Fires Everywhere"