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The Reading List: April 4, 2020

The Reading List: April 4, 2020


I know I’m not the only one rewatching favorite old shows right now, and 30 Rock is one of my tops-of-all-time. I loved Tina Fey’s thoughts about how Liz Lemon would handle COVID-19. (Honestly, this whole Vulture series is great — what I wouldn’t give for a Coach Taylor pep talk right now).

This is a cool look at how magazine covers are designed (it’s an old article, but I think we’ve all recently learned that time is a false construct).

Girls Night In is one of my favorite newsletters, and I love this new feature they’ve launched: Stay Home. Take Care. It’s recommendations of how to take care of yourself and not lose your mind during shelter-in-place, and it’s updated daily. 10/10 would recommend.

The world needed an oral history of Britney Spears’ “Oops, I Did It Again” music video right now.

Things I’ve stress bought this week:


What your go-to quarantine read says about you.

Celebrities have been high-key annoying as hell during quarantine. Exhibit A. Exhibit B. No one needs to hear you complain about being trapped in a palatial estate, J. Lo, and no one needs to see you singing in the bathtub, Madonna. Yes, I said it.

Thinking about how homes actually need to be practical right now.

I never thought a history of American refrigerators would be interesting, but here we are.

Cartoons that sum up life in New York right now.

Friendly reminder that the pandemic is not your vacation.

On a lighter note, a museum asked people to create paintings using things from their home. The results are worth taking a look at.


Gender reveal parties are peak Caucasian nonsense and should be called sex reveal parties, if we’re trying to be accurate. Of course this happened in Florida.

Is he hot or just competent? Is a question I’m sure many of us have asked ourselves, but it certainly applies to our collective Fauci/Cuomo crushes.

On a related note, both of these men’s hotness has nothing to do with their competence.

Don’t ever try to make me do a puzzle. Especially now.

Two really interesting longish reads:

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Book Review: "If I Never Met You" by Mhairi McFarlane

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