

Welcome to She’s Full of Lit!

Here, we chat about our favorite (and sometimes least favorite) books, share recommendations on everything from what wine pairs best with that work of fiction to facemasks that make your non-fiction read even better, and live our best basic bookworm lives.

The Reading List: August 1, 2020

The Reading List: August 1, 2020


The Celebrity Bookshelf Detective is back, baby.

An essential reminder to preserve your mental health — we are still in the middle of a global pandemic, even if your Instagram feed doesn’t look like it.

Speaking of mental health and the pandemic, I really needed this blog post yesterday. Grace @ The Stripe has long been one of my favorite bloggers, and she perfectly articulated how I have felt for the past few weeks. Yes, I’m grieving for Taffy, but I’m also reeling at everything that’s happening in this country and that I’ll be home from work until January. A pile of sad, indeed. Also, the comment section is amazing. Trust me.

I haven’t watched “Indian Matchmaking” yet, but it’s on my list — bookmarking this article on 4 South Asian women unpacking it for after that watch.

If you, like me, are really missing the Olympics

This made me cry, made me angry, and made me think. A lot. Why are men the worst?

Finally, if you haven’t read it yet: I urge you to drop everything and read John Lewis’ last words to our country. We have lost a giant.


Here we are in…August? Time is a flat circle, nothing is real, humidity is hell. Two of my biggest coping strategies for anxiety and stress (other than therapy and pharmaceuticals) are baths and running, and while I’m still able to do both in limited amounts, it’s certainly not at the same rate. I’m very blessed to have Summer Fridays, and my new thing to do then is panic clean! Anyway, apparently panic cleaning is an effective coping strategy. Who knew? I’m scrubbing baseboards for the first time in my life.

I’m also trying to create a cozy corner. I like this strategy because it’s a formula you can follow, rather than just lists of ideas!

On the subject of running, I’m really concerned about not being able to find a public bathroom in NYC when I need one, given the COVID sitch. The Cut has some ideas for me.

If you’re into spiked seltzer (and I am), here is a comprehensive review. This article is definitely diet-culture-y if that offends or triggers you, just FYI!

I work in the world of independent schools, and my boss told me about this amazing article from 2004 about the eccentric headmaster of Saint Ann’s School in Brooklyn. It is, among many other things, an education in how different the world is 16 years later…

Garth Brooks seems like a legit dude.


If you haven’t read the Vanity Fair profile of Viola Davis…go!

An Alex Trebek profile for my fellow Jeopardy fans.

Kellie Brown, one of my favorite influencers, featured in Vogue!

How cultural appropriation is reflected in home design.

A great Refinery 29 piece on how Black reality stars balance fame with the idea of Black excellence—and a reminder to de-center whiteness.

Book Review: "Catherine House" by Elisabeth Thomas

Book Review: "Catherine House" by Elisabeth Thomas

If You Only Read One: July 2020

If You Only Read One: July 2020