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The Reading List: August 23, 2019

The Reading List: August 23, 2019

pssst…in case you’re planning some weekend shopping, check out our favorites from the Sephora Summer Bonus Event!


I am an admitted voyeur (or should I say overly curious?), which is why I love reading blogs and following people on Instagram. It goes without saying that I love a look behind the scenes, and this one from Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib was great — I just wish there was more stuff from DC! We’re fun here, I promise.

In that vein, I’ve recently gone on a bit of an unfollowing spree from some of the influencers I follow on Instagram. Seeing perfectly curated images of all white homes with the same clothes and the same hairstyles isn’t really inspiring (or attainable) to me — I think I was burned out after all of the Nordstrom Sale content. I loved this read about the Unfluencers, and it totally resonated with how I’m feeling right now.

Imma let you finish, but this article about the 10-year long Taylor Swift and Kanye West feud is shockingly interesting — I had never really thought about the massive repercussions this seemingly small moment would have on pop culture in the last decade. I don’t consider myself a huge fan of either, and I’m not sure whose side I’m actually on now, but it is quite the deep dive here.

If you are a newsletter subscriber (and you should be! You can sign up at the bottom of the page), you know that I’ve been raving about my Amazon Nightgown, which is actually an adorable $28 dress/caftan perfect for August weather (h/t to Grace Atwood for the branding and the influencing). Y’all, this week it was written about in Elle, Daily Mail, Glamour, and Good Housekeeping. Get on this trend before it’s too late and everything is backordered until next spring. (I may have just ordered a third, tbh).

I have a long-standing theory that the only people who review something online either LOVE IT THE MOST or HATE IT WITH THE FIRE OF A THOUSAND SUNS, and this article only proves that point: One-Star Reviews of the New Seven Wonders of the World. It was shared with me this morning, and I am cackling at some of these, most notably the one describing the Great Wall of China as “a pile of sloppily laid bricks.”


Like Elizabeth, I have been rocking the Amazon Nightgown day in and day out. I personally recommend wearing it to doctor’s appointments, as it really strides the line between—is this the most fashionable patient I have, or has she completely given up on life? For a cute updo when you’re wearing it, I suggest a French twist. I’m old hat at doing this with two bobby pins and no mirror (in addition to a lot of trauma, ballet gave me some serious life skills), but I love this pin from Amazon that helps you hack a French twist quickly.

Everything about Tomi Lahren is simultaneously terrifying and hysterical, but I really recommend checking out this article about her new athleisure line, especially the absolutely hiddy star print leggings (no gun holster feature yet, though). Something tells me she doesn’t have any gay designers…

I go through candles at an alarming rate, and it can be a $$$ luxury. This entirely random recommendation is to start buying all your candles at TJ Maxx or Marshalls. The selection is amazing and they are deeply, deeply discounted. Start stocking up on pumpkin spice!

I’m also digging these inexpensive hair clips available for purchase on Amazon. Going through a Hillary Clinton growing out bangs in 1994 phase? We gotchu.


If you could have a photo Out of Office, this would be mine:


If you want to know what I read during my lunch break this week:

  • This great piece about Stacey Abrams’ new organization about the fight for a fair vote.

  • This deep dive into Wayne’s World and its long-lasting impact.

  • This list of the most important characters on the page and screen so far this century.

Book Review: "Things You Save in a Fire" by Katherine Center

Book Review: "Things You Save in a Fire" by Katherine Center

Off the Page: Sephora Summer Bonus Recommendations

Off the Page: Sephora Summer Bonus Recommendations