

Welcome to She’s Full of Lit!

Here, we chat about our favorite (and sometimes least favorite) books, share recommendations on everything from what wine pairs best with that work of fiction to facemasks that make your non-fiction read even better, and live our best basic bookworm lives.

The Reading List: August 30, 2019

The Reading List: August 30, 2019


In Chevy Chase (a v bougie enclave a few metro stops away from me), people are cranky that dogs are…barking at a dog park — even though there is a sign that there is to be “NO EXCESSIVE BARKING!” This fur-rocious issue is actually dividing the neighborhood, between those that love puppies and those that don’t like fun.

I also found out this week that I live in America’s second sweatiest city, which is great news that I definitely needed to know. Some of my fellow residents take some serious steps to counteract it, but I pretty much live in a ponytail and a caftan during the dog days of summer.

I have recently become a convert - I love a good CBD gummy. I shared a few with a friend, and he described it best: “I took it, and it’s like I forgot to be anxious.” My favorite right now are from Highline Wellness — the price is great, they taste yummy, and for a lightweight like me, they are definitely potent enough. Highly encourage you to jump on this bandwagon.

An oldie but a goodie - thanks to The Fug Girls - about a man who lived on cruise ships for over two decades. Honestly, Super Mario’s life doesn’t feel super aspirational to me; I think cruise ships are overly crowded norovirus centers that have the potential to sink (no, I’ve never been on a cruise, why do you ask?), but what a way to live!

Last weekend, I listened to the first episode of the 1619 Podcast, about the first slave ship that came to the United States. It’s fascinating, and I can’t wait to see how it progresses over the next few months. This story explains what the 1619 Project is, and this one (my fave) takes you behind the scenes of how it was all put together.


Last night at Pilates I made friends with Caitlin Kunkel, who wrote New Erotica for Feminists (Elizabeth informed me this is a very bougie sentence.) I proceeded to stalk her, and want to recommend her McSweeney’s essay about insomnia.

My love for a good nap is truly unparalleled. Several times, I have gone to the Casper Dreamery specifically for a nap with my ClassPass points. This is peak white nonsense, but you should try it just to say you did it.

The guy who founded WeRatePuppers looks exactly like you think he would. Check out this article in Esquire about their rise. 13/10.

I know you’ve heard enough about the #amazonnightgown, but I want to tell you that I am fully team caftan now. May I never wear another fixed-waist garment.


Not long after we posted this, we realized none of my blurbs saved…a potential glitch in two of us editing the same post at the same time.

So, here’s what I read on the Internet last week:

Book Review: "The Lost Night" by Andrea Bartz

Book Review: "The Lost Night" by Andrea Bartz

If You Only Read One: August 2019

If You Only Read One: August 2019