

Welcome to She’s Full of Lit!

Here, we chat about our favorite (and sometimes least favorite) books, share recommendations on everything from what wine pairs best with that work of fiction to facemasks that make your non-fiction read even better, and live our best basic bookworm lives.

The Reading List: July 18, 2020

The Reading List: July 18, 2020

We all took this Babysitters Club Style Quiz from Buzzfeed (the authority on everything, as we all know), and here are our results:

  • Shannon: Stacey. Like any true New Yorker, I wear a lot of black.

  • Elizabeth: Kristy. What? I like overalls and I wear more baseball caps than I should.

  • Moira: Stacey. No surprises there. Perpetually boy-crazy and effete.


This excerpt from Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow’s new book “Big Friendship” talks really eloquently about navigating racial issues in friendships.

This New Republic piece on Bari Weiss’ resignation from the NYT says a lot of what I have been thinking. I have long found Weiss to be viper-like in her attacks, and yet totally unable to handle legitimate criticism directed at her. I’m not sad to see her go, but I do worry what the dream team of Andrew Sullivan and Weiss—and gd help us, potentially Ben Shapiro???? are cooking up together.

If, like me, you need a refresh to your true crime podcast queue, look no further.

The story we were all waiting for: what happens when a Qatari prince comes to school in the US?

Oh, I’m sorry, I swore you were asking for an article about a “mercurial, vindictive tobacco heiress” who commits murder.

Throwing up mi shebeirachs for RBG, always, but especially now.


I am heartbroken over the death of John Lewis — I was lucky enough to sit next to him on a flight between DC and Atlanta years ago, and he was nothing but gracious to this fangirl. We have truly lost an icon.

Breonna Taylor. Say Her Name. (and Fight for Her.)

I admit, I recently fell down a “Free Britney” rabbit hole — because obviously that’s the most important issue in our world right now /sarcasm — and this was a good primer as to how this started trending again.

This was a journey.

It makes me feel incredibly old that Clueless turns 25 this weekend.

I sent my copy of Samantha Irby’s newest home with Moira a few weeks ago (don’t worry, I’ll be collecting it soon), but I do like that I can read brilliant posts like this from Samantha anytime I want — it even includes a reading list!

And lastly, I tried these wicking neck gaiters this week during some of my outside time, and I would recommend them — they didn’t feel too terrible in the swamp.


Lots of Babysitters Club stuff from me. Vulture ranked Claudia Kishi’s outfits and interviewed the costumer. Harper’s Bazaar interviewed the director (who was also a huge part of “Broad City,” probably my favorite TV show of all time).

Just in case I’m not the last person on earth to read this profile of Michaela Coel, here, please read it.

An excellent profile of a prolific screenwriter.

GQ on Killer Mike.

A deep dive into how Mark Zuckerberg drove off Instagram’s founders.

Book Review: "Homegoing" by Yaa Gyasi

Book Review: "Homegoing" by Yaa Gyasi

Book Review: "Head Over Heels" by Hannah Orenstein

Book Review: "Head Over Heels" by Hannah Orenstein