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The Reading List: May 23, 2020

The Reading List: May 23, 2020


A lovely ode to New York City’s bars.

Vogue.com is out here claiming Steve is the only marriageable man on “Sex and the City.” Spoiler alert: all of them suck.

I loved this virtual tour and history lesson of Brooklyn.

I will be bookmarking this thread of recipes for a Dutch oven.

The makeup of “Mrs. America.” I love the show’s wardrobe and the beauty looks are also excellent.

What’s your go-to cocktail during quarantine? I enjoy a very lime-y vodka tonic but I also have been combining tequila, grapefruit Spindrift, and lime, and it’s very refreshing!

TikTok’s creepy-ass algorithm prioritizes houses and interiors that are not “shabby” or “old.” Which explains why everyone I see on TikTok has huge houses.

For this week’s WTF-ery, can we not write essays about how we are all flouting the rules of quarantine? Please don’t do that, and if you do, don’t write about it.


Firstly, Shannon and I disagree on the men of SATC. Big is absolute trash, Steve is great, Harry is great, Aidan was way too good for Carrie, who is trash.

I find myself fascinated and disturbed by socioeconomic and racial disparities in medicine, and this is an interesting article about amputation rates among black Americans. That makes it sound far more dry than it is.

Well this is a creepy and fascinating article, also teenage girls are terrifying.

If you are like Momo and need your summer murder fix, look no further.

I was in charge of the deck chairs on the Titanic, and they absolutely did need rearranging.

Help if you, like the rest of us, are totally fatigued of deciding what’s for dinner.


Okay, I have to weigh in here on the men of SATC. I would love a Harry in my life, but after 1923872359 days of quarantine alone, I’d settle for a Steve.

Jordan Jamming is something I didn’t know I needed.

This was fascinating: “Can The Women and Girls of a Small Texas Town Take Back the Purity Movement?”

I foresee an improvement in my grilled cheese making after watching this.

“The Queen’s Staff is Feeling Stressed about Coronavirus Budget Cuts.” I mean, same. Royals, they’re just like us?

I feel like I have spent a lot of time shaking my head at influencers in the COVID-era, but that’s because they keep doing insane things like fleeing in the darkness. I loved this look at a ridiculous Insta giveaway (yes, Zuck, it is spam), and if you have some time to spare, I’d recommend any of the recent “Be There in Five” podcasts about influencers behaving badly.

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