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The Reading List: October 24, 2020

The Reading List: October 24, 2020


An oldie but a good reminder: not wanting kids is a perfectly good reason to not have kids.

I love Stevie Nicks.

An interesting piece about how “submission” in the right relationship, is really about partnership.

Why social media makes you feel old. (I’ve been “on the Internet” since I was 12, and I’m exhausted.)

An excellent Axios visual piece on how voter suppression and race.

Kentucky state representative Attica Scott on her experience (or lack of) with the Kentucky Democratic party after she was arrested while protesting this year. Friendly reminder that, if Trump is voted out, things won’t just magically be OK again.


Full diclosure: this article in “The Washington Post” about how the Bidens would entertain at the White House made me tear up when I read it earlier this week. It just sounds so pleasant — don’t you want to live in this world? “The couple never served green salads at official dinners, he says, so diners would never have the awkward experience of having a stray green stick to their teeth — and a photographer capturing the moment for history.”

I’ve been single this whole pandemic (2/10, do not recommend), but it really has shown me how awesome my friends are — and made me closer to them in many ways. I loved the thesis of this article, and yes, I do think friends are our real soulmates.

Alabama (politics) will always Alabama. Good gravy.

I know I’m not the only one with shaky mental health right now, and as always, it’s nice to know I’m not totally alone. These two articles made me feel seen this week: Eight Months In: This Isn’t Getting Easier, and Coping with Election Stress

I loved Legally Blonde and I tolerated Legally Blonde 2, but I am oddly excited about Legally Blonde 3. If you, like me, channelled your inner Elle Woods confidence to get through awkward situations in college and beyond, here’s everything we know about the third movie.

This piece by Jasmine Guillory gave me all the feels.

Finally, I can’t not remind everyone who is able to and hasn’t voted yet to make a voting plan and vote this year — here’s a great resource for that!


I lived in Charlottesville for a number of years, and racial inequity, particularly within education, is marked. Everyone is familiar with what happened in August 2017, but it is pervasive. What fewer people know is that C’ville is an IRC hub, and many refugee families reside there. This Slate article about inequality in elementary learning pods is a critical read.

OK I love Harling Ross and I’m jealous of her pretty apartment and curly hair.

Three words: lesbian. penguin. drama.

This Times profile on Sacha Baron Cohen. I might be a teenage boy, but I’m so excited to watch the new Borat.

Book Review: "Snapped" by Alexa Martin

Book Review: "Snapped" by Alexa Martin

Book Review: "The Searcher" by Tana French

Book Review: "The Searcher" by Tana French